Ancient India : Indus Valley civilization, Harappan Civilization, sites, capital alsites, port cites, quiz in last



(2500 BC -  1750 BC

・The oldest name of this civilisation is The Indus Valley civilization.

This Civilisation belongs to broze age .

Archeological, we can say that the most justified name is Harappan Civilization because Harappa was the first discovered site.
By the help of Carbon - 14 dating method,  the most accepted time period of Indus Valley civilization  is 2500 BC -1750 BC. 

CARBON - 14 DATING METHOD:- this is the way of determining the age of certain archeological artifacts. It is most widely used method. So let's discuss about it in more detail. 

The Carbon - 14 radioactive is produced in the upper layer of  atmosphere. When the Carbon-14 is oxidized then the Carbon - 14 Dioxide is formed and it is used by plants in the process of photosynthesis. So,  when animal ( human being also)  consume it as a food the Carbon - 14 element get entered  in the body of animal(human being also). So,  by measuring the amount of C-14 in a sample and compare to the fresh sample we can easily find out its age and time period. 

The indus valley civilization was spread over Sindh , Baluchistan,Punjab ,Rajasthan , Haryana , Gujrat , western Uttar Pradesh, Northern Maharastra.

Here ,one awesome trick is given below which make it easy to learn 
TRICK :- SINDH के बालू हारा राजा ,
            गुम गया UP के महा नगर मे।
Sindh - sindh ,बालू- baluchistan ,प - punjab ,हारा‌-haryana , UP- Uttar Pradesh, महा‌-maharstra .
• Scholars generally believe that Harappa-Ghaggar-Mohenjodaro axis represent the heartland of Indus Civilization. 
• The capital cities of indus valley civilization were Harappa ,Mohenjodaro and port cites were Lothal , Sutkagendor , Allahdino , Balakot , Kuntasi .
Here ,the trick is given to learn this easily:- उस दिन‌ 80रु के गेंदें लो,
                      और बालो‌ पर लगाओ।
दिन - Allahdino , 80 - Kuntasi,
 गेंदेंं - Sutkagendor ,लो -Lothal 
बालो - Balakot .
 • The Northern most site of Indus Valley civilization was  Ropar ( sutlej) which is in punjab but now the Northern most site is Manda (chenab ) in Jammu and Kashmir . 
• The Southern most site of Indus Valley Civilization was earlier in Bhagtrav  (Gujarat)  but now it is  in Daimabad ( Maharastra ) 
• The Eastern most site of the Indus Valley Civilization is in the Alamgirpur ( Uttar Pradesh) 
• The Western most site of Indus Valley Civilization is in Sutkagendor ( Pakistan - Iran border )
 TRICK :- रोमा कि के जाने पर भावुक दाईमा गिरा हुआ गेंदा उठा लायी । 
[रो -Ropar                मा -Manda ]
[ भा - Bhagtrav।  दाईमा - Daimabad]
[ गिरा -‌Sutkagendor गेंदा - Sutkagendor]
Now here , all the sites and the rivers flowing along its banks and its excavators are given . These are important to all students who are preparing for any competitive exam . 

Sites             River      State       Excavator 
• Harappa             Ravi              Punjab      Daya Ram Sahani 
• Mohenjodaro     Indus          Sindh       Rakhldas banerjee
• Chanhudaro        Indus         Sindh        Mackay , NG                                                                                         Mazumdar 
• Lothal                 Bhogava      sindh          SR Rao 
• Kaalibanga       Ghaggar     Rajasthan    Amalanand Ghosh ,                                                                     B.V lal , B.K Thappar 

Dholavira            Luni          Gujarat             J.P joshi 

Now we will know the archeological finds .
1 . HARAPPA :- 

(i) 6 Granaries in a row. 
(ii) stone symbol ( like yoni &lingams ) .
(iii) Painted Pottery .
(iv) Clay figure of mother goddess . 
(v) wheat and barley .
(vi) copper mirror and scale . 


(i) Great Bath . [ measurement - 12 meter wide , 24 meter long & 1.8 meter deep ] .
(ii) Great Granary . 
(iii) Dancing Girl .
(iv) Man with beard . 
(v) Cotton .
(vi) Assembly hall .
(vii) Pashupati Mahadev .
(viii) Human skeleton huddled together. 
There is an one intresting fact about cotton .
[COTTON - Harappans were the first to produce cotton in the world . ]
(i) city without a citadel . 
(ii) Imprint of dog's paw on a brick .
(iii) Terracotta model of bullock cart . 
4. LOTHAL - 
(i) Dockyard .
(ii)Rice husk .
(iii) Fire altars .
(iv) Double burials ( buring a male and female in a same grave ).
(i) ploughed feild surface area.
(ii) 7 fire altars .
(iii) Decorated bricks .
(i) Unique water harvesting system . 
Note:- only site to be divided in three parts  :- (a) Citadel.
                          (b) Middle town .
                         (c) lower town .
(i) lack of chess board or gridion pattern of town planning. 
(ii) lack of systematic drainage system. 
(i) Bones of Horse .
(ii) Pot burrials .
(iii) Oval grave .
Now let's understand the term “port burials ” .
PORT BURRIALS- the reuse of domestic vessels for a burials. 


(i) Systematic town planning. 
(ii) Burnt bricks in construction. 
(iii) underground drainage system.
(iv) Fortified Citadel .
And most important point is the people of this Civilisation achived great accuracy in measuring length ,mass and time . This helped them in organising their construction .
The one more speciality is the main streets were buit in systematic grid pattern .The house built on the corner of streets were rounded in order to allow the passage of cart. The measurements of main roads was 10.5 meter wide and 800 meter long .

Now lets talk about the Main crops of this Civilisation .

MAIN CROPS :- wheat ,barley and rice. The evidence of  cultivation of  rice have got from Lothal . 
TADE :- There was both internal and foreign trade in harappan  Civilisation. The unit of measurement weight was probably in the ratio of 16 . 
Now let's know about their Script .
They used pictographic script which is written from right to left in 1st line and left to right in 2nd line . 
Most important note :- The SAWASTIK symbol can be traced to this Civilisation. 
• Harappan people didn't worship their god in temple .
cheif male diety - Pashupati Mahadev {lord of animals } .
Cheif female diety - Mother Goddess { shakti } .
• There is no evidence of coins , so we can asume that there have been the normal method of exchange of goods. 
• There is no evidence of the polity , but it seems that the ruling athority of Indus Valley Civilization was a class of merchants. 
Note :- The Mohenjodaro is also known as thw mound of death .
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NOUN (its kinds, usage and rules)

             NOUN,  its kinds,  rules, usages 

DEFINITION- a noun is the name of a  person ,place ,animal ,things and also of ideas . 

Example:- Ram ,Cow,Table ,Honesty etc. 

So lets talk about its kinds.

There are mainly 8 types of kinds -

1. Common noun 

2. Proper noun 

3. Collective noun 

4. Concrete noun 

5. Abstract noun 

6. Material noun

7. Countable noun 

8 . Uncountable noun 

If you want to make it easy to learn the kinds of Noun.  So,  the trick is 


 4c - common noun, collective noun, concrete noun,  countable noun. 

P- proper noun. 

A- abstract noun. 

M- material noun. 

U - uncountable noun. 

1. COMMON  NOUN - the common noun can't give the proper information about the noun like boy, girl, teacher, country.  

Ok now take one example.  

COUNTRY -  it can be India,  Australia, America etc.  This word is unable to give us the particular information about the country. 

So,  this is the example of common noun. 

PROPER  NOUN proper  noun gives us the whole information about the noun.  

EXAMPLES -  Ram,  India, Mathematics etc.  

i.  Ram is a good boy.  

Here,  we can easily figure out that we are talking about RAM who is a good boy. 

COLLECTIVE  NOUN- it gives the information about the group of person, things etc. 

EXAMPLES -  People,  cattle , family etc. 

CONCRETE NOUN- the things have physical existence.  


ABSTRACT NOUN -the things have not physical existence. This type of noun consist feelings,  qualities, ideas,  condition etc.  

EXAMPLE  -  Honesty is the best policy.(here honesty is the abstract noun) .

MATERIAL NOUN like gold, silver etc. 

COUNTABLE NOUN -  like two ladies, one pen, two chairs etc. 

UNCOUNTABLE NOUN- the noun that can not be counted like water,  soil etc. 

So know we talk about the cases of noun. 

So,  now we will learn about the cases of noun in detail.  
1.POSSESIVE CASE- this case of noun denotes ownership and possession. 
Example :- This is my pen. (here 'my' denotes the ownership) 
2.VOCATIVE CASE - when noun is use to call and get attention. 
Example :- MRS Shruti, all are waiting for you in the dinning table. (here the speaker of this sentence want to get attention of Mrs shruti) 
3.DATIVE CASE when the noun in a indirect object of a verb. 
Example :- Rohan brought me chocolates. (here, "me"  is used as indirect object of verb). 
5.NOMINATIVE CASE - when noun is the subject of verb. 

Example :- Radha is an intelligent girl.(here,  "Radha"  is nominated as an intelligent girl) .
6.OBJECTIVE CASE - noun is the direct of object of verb or the preposition. 
Example :- Please give the fruits. (here,   "Fruits" is a noun. It  is in the form of  an objective case because fruits become an object on which the action is happening).

Now,  the rules of noun/ usage of noun :-

Rule 1. Some nouns are singular in their meaning but are used as plural noun and also take plural auxiliary verbs always  ( are, have,  will etc) . 
In simple words we can say :
In this chart you can easily understand the rule.  


Rule 2. Some nouns are plural  and always used as plural and also take plural verbs like are,  have,  etc.  

Example :- The scissors have lost . 

Rule 3. Some nouns always take singular  verb either they are singular or not. 

EXAMPLE :- The news of his accident is not true. 

Rule 4.some nouns show the number, measure and money.  They always remain unchanged when any numeral precedes. 

Example :- My office is 5 kilometers from my office.  

Rule 5. Collective nouns are used in both form( singular or plural).  

EXAMPLE :- The government is become very responsible towards the problem of public. 

Rule 6. Some nouns gives different meaning in singular form and different in plural form. 

Example :- content -  satisfaction.

                        Contents -  contained 

°  I am doing this just for your content. 

Rule 7.  Generally, material nouns do not take any article before them. 

EXAMPLE :- i like gold not silver.  

Rule 8.  Noun gender is used to personify anything like masculine gender for power and feminine gender for  glamour and grace.  

Example :- Its our duty to take care of Mother Earth. 

Rule 9. The tittle of books, movies, etc if they sounds plural are always considered as singular. 

Example :- "The Place of confusions"  is an incredible narration.  

Now you can easily understand the usage of noun. 

Here,  some questions are provided for practice. 

1. Spot the error.  

i. The police is (1)/ doing well (2)/ job. (3)

a. 1       b. 2          c. 3 

Ans :- 1( rule 1 is used) 

ii.  Mathematics are very (1)/tough subject. (2)

a.  1      b.  2 

Ans :- 1 (rule 1) 

iii.  The (1)/cattle is (2)/grazing the field. (3)no error (4)

a. 1    b. 2        c. 3      d. 4 

Ans :-2 (rule 2)

iv. Recently  i visited assam(1)/ and found the(2)/ sceneries to be (3)/ breathtaking. (4)/no error (5)

a.  1        b. 2         c.  3       d.  4        e. 5 

Ans :-3 (rule 4)

                 Thank you

SSC CHSL (combine higher secondary level) 10 +2 detailed syllabus

 Hello guys ! Here , i will provide you detail syllabus of SSC CHSL 10+2 . Firstly ,let me describe   the marking scheme of SSC CHSL 10+2 . There will be 100 question to solve and the time period will be 60 minutes (1hour). The paper will consist 25 question of general awareness to check that how much you are aware about your surroundings, 25 question of english language ,25 question of quantative apptitude that means question realted to mathematics and 25 question of genral intelligence . Each question will carry 2 marks . The paper will be held in the form of objective type. So , you will have four option for each question . If you will choose the  correct  option then you will rewarded by 2 marks and if not then you will pay penalty for it by negative marking of 0.25 this is marks.

Now  the detailed syllabus for  this exam :



                      (i) Ancient history

                     (ii) Medival history 

                    (iii) Mordern history 

So lets talk about the topics of ancient history:-

ANCIENT HISTORY-  Indus Valley Civilisation , Vedic Period ,Post Vedic Period, Epic Period (like Ramayana, Mahabharat,Bhagwat Geeta) ,Jainism, Buddhism,Mauryan period , postmauryan period , Turkish invansion , Mohmmad Bin Qasin ,Mahmud Gaznavi ,Mahmud Gauri

MEDIVAL HISTORY - Dehli Sultanate, Dayanasties - Slave Dynasty , Khilji Dynasty, Tuqlaq Dynasty ,Sayyad Dynasty,Lodi Dynasty ( society,culture , literature, expedition, architecture etc .) Bhakti movements , Sufi Movements, Behmani /Vijaynagar , Mughal period , Marathas ( The great shivaji ) , Shikh( Guru Nanak Dev ,Guru Govind Singh etc)

MORDERN HISTORY - European invansion in india ( Portuguese, Dutch ,French  traders ) , British East India Company ( schemes, governors , governor general, charter act , other act , social awareness) , British Rule ( 1857 revolt's causes and impact , वायसराय and their schemes,social movements,Dharmic movements ), establishment of Congress , Bengal confliction , Sawadeshi Movements , Muslim league establishment , Surat adhiveshan , partition of congress , Homerule , Lucknow settlement, 1917 august announcement, Gandhi era , Indian Government Act , Roult act , Jalliyawala Bagh hathiyakaand ,  khilafat andolan ,chaura-chauri , Sawaraj Party, Simon Commission, Nehru report, Congress and Lahore Adhiveshan , Savinay awagya andolan , 1st round table confrence , Gandhi-Irwin settlement , Pune settlement,pak ki mang , Bharat Chodo Andolan, Cabinet Mission , Azad Hind Fauj , Mauntbaten yojana , Indian Independent Act  , partition of India , the important incident after independence


INDIAN GEOGRAPHY-  solar system , globe ( equator , lattitudes , longitudes , time and date ) , speed of earth , eclipse, continents ,oceans , mountains , passes , lakes , rock mountain, water system, sea salinity, oceanic current, tides , atmosphere, temperature, wind, cyclone , agriculture, animal husbandry, fossil fuels and furls , population, species, road amd highways , international boundaries

WORLD GEOGRAPHY -  atmosphere, soil, river , dams , crops , temprature of different places, fuels , tribes 

POLITICAL SCIENCE - National Movements, social awareness- Raja Ram Mohan Roy,  Swami Dayanand Saraswati , Vivekanand, English education in India , starting of printing press , 1885 Mahasbha , Veer Vinayak Damodar Sawakaar , indian constitution qualities , articles , imp. Amendments, Act , fundamental rights, President and Prime Minister, Governor , ChieMinister , vice president, ( salary , residential place , time , age ,powers ) , indian supreme court ( establishment, work, powers , ), Nationality , parties, panchayati raaj , U.S.O in detail , U.N.O , SAARC ETC 

ECONOMICS - types of economy,   indian economy , agriculture , production, industrial development, types of industries, poverty , plans of government, loan ,banks , payments, trade , WTO , IMF , WORLD BANK , UNESCO, INDICES,HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX , NATIONAL INCOME, GDP, NDP ,GNP,NNP, BOP,SEBI , UNEMPLOYMENT,GATT, niti ayog etc 

Now , we will know about the topics of ENGLISH LANGUAGE. It is also a scoring subject so we should  pay the equal attention on it . 

ENGLISH LANGUAGE- Rearing comprehension, cloze test ,spot the error, fill in the blanks , synonyms, homonyms,antonyms,idioms and phrases, one word substitution, active and passive voice , voice of verbs , paragraph completions direct and indirect, rearrange of sentence and passage 


QUANTATIVE APPTITUDE- computation of whole numbers, decimal ,fraction , relationship between numbers , percentage, ratio and proportion, simple interest, compound interest, profit loss , mixture and alegations , time and distance, time and work , mensuration, data interpretation, permutation and probability, sequence and series , trigonometry

So, now move on to GENRAL INTELLIGENCE

GENERAL INTELLIGENCE - logical reasoning, sematic analogy, symbolic operation, alphanumeric series, ranking and direction, figural analogy, venn diagram, number series, critical thinking ,problem solving , word building, coding -decoding , seating arrangement, space orientation

Guys this is the whole syllabus for the SSC CHSL 10+2 exam. It is also helpful to other exams . Hope you will like it 


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