NOUN, its kinds, rules, usages
DEFINITION- a noun is the name of a person ,place ,animal ,things and also of ideas .
Example:- Ram ,Cow,Table ,Honesty etc.
So lets talk about its kinds.
There are mainly 8 types of kinds -
1. Common noun
2. Proper noun
3. Collective noun
4. Concrete noun
5. Abstract noun
6. Material noun
7. Countable noun
8 . Uncountable noun
If you want to make it easy to learn the kinds of Noun. So, the trick is
4c - common noun, collective noun, concrete noun, countable noun.
P- proper noun.
A- abstract noun.
M- material noun.
U - uncountable noun.
1. COMMON NOUN - the common noun can't give the proper information about the noun like boy, girl, teacher, country.
Ok now take one example.
COUNTRY - it can be India, Australia, America etc. This word is unable to give us the particular information about the country.
So, this is the example of common noun.
PROPER NOUN - proper noun gives us the whole information about the noun.
EXAMPLES - Ram, India, Mathematics etc.
i. Ram is a good boy.
Here, we can easily figure out that we are talking about RAM who is a good boy.
COLLECTIVE NOUN- it gives the information about the group of person, things etc.
EXAMPLES - People, cattle , family etc.
CONCRETE NOUN- the things have physical existence.
ABSTRACT NOUN -the things have not physical existence. This type of noun consist feelings, qualities, ideas, condition etc.
EXAMPLE - Honesty is the best policy.(here honesty is the abstract noun) .
MATERIAL NOUN like gold, silver etc.
COUNTABLE NOUN - like two ladies, one pen, two chairs etc.
UNCOUNTABLE NOUN- the noun that can not be counted like water, soil etc.
So know we talk about the cases of noun.Rule 2. Some nouns are plural and always used as plural and also take plural verbs like are, have, etc.
Example :- The scissors have lost .
Rule 3. Some nouns always take singular verb either they are singular or not.
EXAMPLE :- The news of his accident is not true.
Rule 4.some nouns show the number, measure and money. They always remain unchanged when any numeral precedes.
Example :- My office is 5 kilometers from my office.
Rule 5. Collective nouns are used in both form( singular or plural).
EXAMPLE :- The government is become very responsible towards the problem of public.
Rule 6. Some nouns gives different meaning in singular form and different in plural form.
Example :- content - satisfaction.
Contents - contained
° I am doing this just for your content.
Rule 7. Generally, material nouns do not take any article before them.
EXAMPLE :- i like gold not silver.
Rule 8. Noun gender is used to personify anything like masculine gender for power and feminine gender for glamour and grace.
Example :- Its our duty to take care of Mother Earth.
Rule 9. The tittle of books, movies, etc if they sounds plural are always considered as singular.
Example :- "The Place of confusions" is an incredible narration.
Now you can easily understand the usage of noun.
Here, some questions are provided for practice.
1. Spot the error.
i. The police is (1)/ doing well (2)/ job. (3)
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3
Ans :- 1( rule 1 is used)
ii. Mathematics are very (1)/tough subject. (2)
a. 1 b. 2
Ans :- 1 (rule 1)
iii. The (1)/cattle is (2)/grazing the field. (3)no error (4)
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
Ans :-2 (rule 2)
iv. Recently i visited assam(1)/ and found the(2)/ sceneries to be (3)/ breathtaking. (4)/no error (5)
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5
Ans :-3 (rule 4)
Thank you
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